STARK Proof Pioneers
Bringing scalability, security and privacy to a blockchain near you

Total Value Locked In USD
Total Number of Transactions For All Deployments
Cumulative Trading In USD

Our Solutions

Scale Your App with STARKs

Our scaling solutions use STARK-based validity proofs to ensure an Ethereum-secure, fast and seamless user experience. They support a range of data availability modes.

Thanks to the SHARP (SHARed Prover) technology, our solutions offer the same low marginal gas cost per transaction to all applications, regardless of their size.


A Permissionless Decentralized ZK-Rollup.
Any developer can deploy any dApp, using smart contracts and achieve unlimited scale.

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A Standalone ZK-Rollup SaaS
dApps can build on the StarkEx service, which supports a range of use cases out of the box: NFT minting & trading, derivative trading, AMM, spot trading, payments, and DeFi Pooling Button: Read More.

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Any Use Case, Any Size

NFT Minting & Trading
Derivative Trading
Spot Trading
DeFi Pooling

For Developers


Cairo is the first production-grade platform for generating validity proofs for general computation. It has powered all of StarkWare’s Mainnet deployments since July 2020.

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StarkWare Labs

See what you can do with ethSTARK, Ziggy, and VeeDo.

StarkWare Labs

StarkWare Team

Cutting-edge technology attracts top-notch talent.

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Events & Updates

Talks, podcasts, posts, and news.

dAMM, an L2-Powered AMM

dAMM, an L2-Powered AMM

StarkWare enables AMMs to share liquidity across L2 solutions . For the first time dAMM -- which stands for distributed AMM -- makes shared AMMs practical

DeFi Pooling

DeFi Pooling

Reducing gas costs for DeFi by batching L2 transaction requests from different users. It’s “the way to go to scale to 10M more DeFi traders,” we wrote in January 2020.

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